Friday, January 20, 2006


d雪好靚,上一次滑雪噠低唔會痛應該係四五年前去過既big white.可惜出發前一天睡眠不足,玩了一個上晝就體力透支,不過總算盡興而歸,玩方面,算係滿足。
整個road trip都好enjoyable,原本真係打算訓足全程,但剛好同車的有chemistry,有興緻,題目又岩傾,結果兩個多小時的車程都在笑聲中渡過。如果一首歌(或一隻碟)可以記錄某一時段既記憶同感覺,Janice既Night&Day一定係今次呢個trip既theme song.



1 comment:

Ma Lau said...

not sure if anyone have told you this before... actually i don't even know if it's "useful" comment at all... but 2 things i've learned in life are 1) any relationship must be 2-way 2) no one is obliged to commit to any relationship, even if the other side has already committed. thus, relationships are ALWAYS unfair... including that b/w ourselves and God... the important thing is we did our part. if the other side doesn't response, it's their free choice, just like we're not obliged to response to God's grace and love. (though we're blessed to have learned to appreciate Him in our youths!) surely it hurts to find out that our efforts to extend our arms to someone is frail; but we should also remember that whenever we offer something, we (should try to) offer w/o expecting anything in return. (which is how God's love is: unconditional.)
dunno if the above makes sense... (since a lot of times i'm the only person who understands what i'm trying to say...) but i pray that He will always walk w/ you in every relationships of your life!