Friday, February 25, 2005


中午一點多,我望進去,逼逼的starbucks裡逼滿人,高高在上的向街的位子上,有一個金頭髮的大男人正在照顧小女孩喝skim milk,旁邊坐著一個看樣子好像講電話講得很高興的黑髮少女,她應該是個韓國人。在我身旁擦身而過是一對正在講唔知咩話的啡皮膚母女。我就是很喜歡這個城市的包容性,你不一定要講很好的的英文,你不一定要懂得吃鳳爪,你也不一定要愛喝Starbucks,只要你做你自己,就會有人尊重你。


下午四點二十六分,點解我仲未放得工?點解日日都要做,日日都知要做,又唔係呢一刻先突發,都要拖到甘遲先俾D cheque我?係咪玩野?可唔可以唔好甘?我知遲少少放工唔洗死,但係點解要拖我D時間?追你幾次你都懶懶閒,人地幫你做野唔係請返黎俾你點架,ok?


春天的衣服很漂亮!五顏六色好像art store裡面賣的油彩。看著看著會不期然不受控地燃起購物的慾望...就這樣,在色彩斑斕的時裝店裡,我抱著我不入地獄誰入地獄的心態(<--不知有可關係),買下了一件彩藍色的大衣,一件橙紅色的線衫,一件紫色,一件綠色,一件彩藍色的tee,和一件深綠色的tank top.


Ma Lau said...

Well... I don't really know the exact situation... but I think there's always more than 1 way to "confront" someone... and some ways are less "risky" than others... maybe you can try to think of a trap to make that person realize his/her mistake ;)

viv said...

why don't you give me a suggestion??
please........(<-- almost begging)

viv said...

no la, still want shoes and bags!!!

Ma Lau said...

hmm... i remember once i was a bit late on one of my deliveries, and when i arrived, i saw on a "white board" several numbers written on it... turns out they were making bets on what time i was going to arrive... maybe they didn't intend to make me feel bad for being late, but it did make me feel bad...

did that story spark any inspirations? :P

Anonymous said...

不過我都明你既﹐每次經過D波鞋鋪都唔多捨得兩手Fing Fing走

viv said...

hey friend I, welcome on board~ =P

viv said...

ma lau,

hm...that was mean!!! how could they do that?! don't they have something else more meaningful to do? what a group of "grownups"!!

i can't do that...

Ma Lau said...

well... some ppl are less tolerate than others about puntuations... (i learned that somewhere b/w 2000 and 2004)
anyway, i'm sure there're other ways to "hint" to your co-workers about their fault... i don't have any ideas right now but if i can think of something i'll let you know la ;)

viv said...

talking about being on time, you'd better work harder on that, you are often late to our gatherings!!! =(

Ma Lau said...

ya... like "someone" told me before, my problem is i try to take on too much at a time... and end up can't do all/any of them on time...

i'll try to work on it la... starting tomolo (hopefully :P)