繼安全注射屋,市長Larry Campbell家陣力撐大麻合法化,佢話大麻合法化之後,老師同學校輔導員先可以更有效教導學生毒品禍害。大佬,咩邏輯呀?如果所有野要合法化先可以正確教導仲得了?!甘不如順便將海洛英冰毒搖頭丸一次過合法化埋啦,咪等D學生哥淨係可以正確學習大麻,甘對其他毒品好唔公平窩!
阿市長仲話大麻合法可以更有效監管,杜絕非法種植場,可以減少政府"衿檔"開支,並且由政府以liquor store形式合法售賣大麻,可以增加庫房收入,再用於預防工作上。其實換句說話講,佢想壟斷市場,尤其美國吸食同擁有大麻都係犯法,呢個市場大成甘,邊個唔想分一杯羹?!
首先,政府將會令人上癮既毒品合法化已經講唔通,然後所謂既控制市場只不過係唔想俾人分左舊肥肉。再者,將大麻合法化只會發出錯誤信息,話俾D人聽,吸大麻無罪架,no big deal,立下甘既根基,就算你花再多錢做教育既工作都係徙氣!
阿市長話,等同酒精,青年人試過大麻,發覺no big deal, i m out of it,就唔會造成問題。
但問題就係,點解下下都要等D年青人以身犯險之後先自己學識what is not a big deal?
很多人開始接觸毒品也是因為他們生命中有一塊半塊(甚至更多)的空缺,誤以為毒品可以為他們提供答案。在這樣一個大前題下,如果到處有售會令人上癮的大麻,要叫這群有點煩惱又有點迷失的年青人如何有能力判斷大麻到底係big deal or not?!
家陣食下零食唔會死人,但係吸大麻會上癮,會損害腦神經,唔係講笑。到有一日佢地發現Marijuana is a big deal, but i can't get myself out of it的時候,要做補救的行動,又談何容易。
i 100% agree with your point!
but today(or maybe yesterday?) i heard on the radio some liberal party person is promoting for some sort of election... and i noticed (it's not the first time actually) that the liberals continuously emphasize on how much the economy improved over their period of governing... but of course, they never talk about how they actually managed to do it! we learn in economics (actually i think it's common sense), in order to maximize profit, one has to 1) maximize revenue and 2) minimize cost. the liberals definitely did a good job of both: legalization of "illegal" drugs, cutting fundings in all public sectors, privatization of public service, etc. etc. etc. i was very frustrated... not only at the liberals, but also at those who repeatedly vote for them simply because they "improve" our budget!!! (that includes my mom by the way) why do we need a government? if a government always look at profit first, then it's just another monopolist!!! think about it, you can always only have 1 government in 1 country. isn't that monopolist? so why do we praise them when they manage to make a profit? a political party that emphasize on money should be brought down and beat to death!!! that's not the main job of a government! a government is supposed to serve its people, regardless of cost!!! as we always learn in economics classes, profit and social surplus never occur together!!! this topic makes me so mad mad mad!!! >_<
淨係識講錢既政府唔得,但係一個識洗唔識搵既政府一樣會搞到民不聊生,NDP就係一個版:一個政府收支不得平衡,往往後果就報應在市民身上,加稅,cut benefit, cut呢cut路,一句話冇錢你奈佢咩何?!
我都仲係唔明:如果學Larry Campbell話齌,以合法售賣大麻得返黎既稅收用於教育同防止工作上就真係死得人多;甘係咪即係話,賣得越多,就越多錢做預防工作呢?甘越多錢做,就應該越少人吸啦,但係越少人吸,就會越少人買,稅收減少,又會唔夠錢做教育,甘咪自自然然多返人吸大麻囉?!?!
Larry Campbell always BS ga la
actually most politicians BS
any organized political parties are evil
all politicians should be independent!!! then there's no safety net they can rely on except for their own hard work!!!
in response to what Viv said, do you really think our tax is being used properly?
do you think the Liberals, after "making our economy better", really put those money into use for the good of the community?
or do they just save it for election time and then use it to buy votes?
everybody can see it... but i'm surprise (and sad) that most ppl would rather have a government who only cares about money, then throw it in their face every few (is it 3 or 5?) years.
personally, i think that as long as the money is actually being used for public good, then i don't mind paying taxes. i'm part of this city too. what's wrong w/ paying to live here? my only problem w/ the NDP is that they don't use the money properly.
talking about cutting benefits, isn't that what Larry Campbell did as well? they always BS about reliefing budgets for hospitals, schools, and other public services. but how many of those "promises" did they seriously attempt at?
a budget is, in the simplest form, income minus expense. if you want a positive budget, then there're 2 things you can do: increase income and decrease expense. if government decrease expense, nobody is happy. so they can only go about trying to increase income. the traditional main income of the government is tax. if nobody wants to pay tax, then where can government get its income from? why of course, legalized drug, prostitution, etc. etc.
the situation is similar to "how does government lower crime rate?"
legalization of course!!!
when everything is legal, then crime rate will be 0
what i want to say is, everything that the government does is a tradeoff. in "modern" terminology, it's "choosing the lesser evil". i belief that if my tax money is being used to both provide public service AND prevent rediculous things like commercialized drugs, then by all means, take my money!
haha... sorry to take up so much space... but this city(/province/country) is moving real fast down the slope of morality... and i really don't wanna be forced to leave...
我很同意你所說的其中一點,鬧Liberals的何止我們兩個?!點解D人仲係甘投票俾佢地(Provincial as well as Federal),等佢地有機會一直搞搞陣呢?!呢樣野我真係唔明。雖然話投票都係選the lesser of the devil,如果真係俾BC NDP做左省府,我地可能一日到黑俾D工會玩死...然後Federal Conservative又未必有能力推動全國經濟,可能到時俾魁省恰到有死死下,結果魁獨成會事實,又唔係好事窩!唉,不如問我自己,我地可以做D乜呢?係我而家既工作岡位,我可以做既就係通過新聞,將政府的全貌(好&不好)show俾市民睇,我相信壓力團體有其在社會的重要性,如果我地有五十萬人上街抗議同性婚姻合法化,我肯定Paul Martin都會驚到有得震冇得訓,睇佢仲敢唔敢推得甘大力?!
i 100% agree!
the other day i also heard about some voting in the VSB about participating in the pride parade as a unit in the name of VSB, and only 1 person in the whole commitee dare to stand up against the majority (it's really the majority. only 1 person did not vote and 1 against, the rest all agree!) i think it is these people that can help us guard our traditional values!
and this case shows exactly why political parties jeopardize the voices of the public. that's exactly why i want all politicians to participate independently. then the ruling parties can no longer buy votes every few years. and during voting period, it won't be battle b/w parties, but instead battle b/w politicians. then we'll get to vote for people who actually wants to work for the public!
雖然我唔係讀咩政治科學(this name is indeed weird, how can "politic" be a science?!),但係始終政黨既存在都有佢既價值,一個政府如果讓一大群政治理念完全唔同既人執政,淨係花係解釋同說服既時間已經花去唔少納稅人既金錢啦!如果缺乏黨既群體力量,對於投票既人黎講,亦都好難有信心相信佢地選出黎既個一個半個議員真係可以做到野窩~雖然我地唔贊成同性婚姻合法化,但係對於支持既一批,佢地定必覺得Liberals冇得頂啦,係佢地既立場,呢個黨好有用窩,好以代表到佢地既聲音,係咪先?
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