Tuesday, February 20, 2007
林海峰是但嗡 [足否]低噴飯 - 超低能 勁搞笑 + 勁歌金曲搞笑版
Monday, February 19, 2007
Friday, February 16, 2007
Thursday, February 15, 2007
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
妹妹說,今年是night school的幾多幾多週年,所以搞左個懷舊學費優惠,有一部份的course只收一元學費,當然第一時間爆滿。我們去上堂的那間中學,同一天裡還有一些很有趣的課,例如教人測字,按摩,旅行攝影,房地產投資等等,都是一些很實用的課程,意念有點像下面提到的涉谷大學,只是vsb的課堂都必需借用中學的課室。
Sunday, February 04, 2007
shibuya university network
A Novel Kind of University Opens in Shibuya (January 9, 2007)
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A lesson exploring the meaning of chopsticks ((c)Shibuya University Network 2006) | ||||||
Lifelong Learning Rooted in the Community
Launched in September 2006, Shibuya University is not a regular educational institution awarding degrees. It features a collection of public lectures, courses, and other educational offerings made available free of charge. Anyone can participate in this university, and there is no graduation from it. Although originally conceived as a municipal project, it began operating in the private sector as a nonprofit organization. Its president is Sakyo Yasuaki, a former trading company employee.
With the concept of "creating Japan's future from Shibuya," this project is looking to provide a new type of community-based lifelong education targeting a wide range of people from children to adults. Shibuya is a center of fashion shops, chic restaurants, theaters, and live music venues, and it also has many educational institutions, parks, and other public facilities. Shibuya University views all such places as classrooms where educational courses can be offered.
The teachers at the university are a diverse bunch, including music critics, cartoonists, lighting designers, and art directors. In its public recruitment of instructors, the school adopts the unique stance of making no firm distinction between those who can be teachers and those who make up the student body.
The Joy of Learning
Already various courses have started, and they all provide unique learning experiences that cannot be gained in an ordinary college or university. In a course on "the spirit of chopsticks," the proprietor of a shop selling chopsticks teaches students about the dietary culture that has evolved from the use of this tableware. In another course on new ways of appreciating movies, a volunteer working with the visually impaired suggests to students that they experiment with listening to movies. The classrooms are also varied. They may be a record shop, a bookstore, a restaurant, or a room in an elementary school.
With its debut on the educational stage, Shibuya University Network has caused quite a stir. Hopes are high that it may provide just what is needed to instill the joy of learning in modern youth.
The university wants to offer much more than public lecture courses. It intends to take classes into elementary and middle schools, organize school festivals, and support seminars and club activities voluntarily arranged by students. Enlisting the collaboration of local eating establishments, it also plans to set up a student cafeteria of sorts. Functioning as the "simulacrum of the university," it hopes to forge links between individuals using Shibuya as a stage and to give birth to new creations.
In an interview published on the Internet, President Sakyo offers this comment: "Constructing splendid school buildings and erecting multistory structures aren't the only ways to breathe life into the community. I want the facilities and people of our school to exist in symbiosis with the community."
Friday, February 02, 2007
連一向不好古典音樂的我也聽出耳油,與其讚配樂的服部隆之,我更加佩服那些音樂大師!管弦樂的那種高低起伏,氣勢,和超越時空和國界的震憾力,真不是張學友+王霑+陶吉吉+除小鳳+Beyond(?奇怪的combination?!) 可以比擬的!
重點是全劇不是畢挺踢死兔,就是白襯衫黑西褲,再來就是黑色v-neck tee,是我極極喜歡的(日本)男生造型~(我頭上冒出一個粉紅小心~)
真看不出water boys(也是我很喜愛的日本電影之一,但當時只會看妻夫木聰)裡的爆炸頭,Top Caster裡的蟹原,演起指揮家竟然會這麼吸引!雖然我不懂欣嘗古典樂(再一次強調),但千秋王子指揮時的投入和熱情,讓我覺得玉木宏演得很好。最後一集有幾個shot,玉木還微微滲出類似福山雅治的性感呢,wow~
男配角瑛太演來也很出色,連續幾套日劇(orange days, unfair, sapuri)瑛太也有很好發揮,但我還是喜歡看(sapui裡的)他穿西裝~